Monday, June 25, 2007

Art: The empath

Heavily, heavily inspired by Hisoka Kurosaki, so in a way it's Yami no Matsuei fanart. I love this kid. He's one of the more fascinating shinigami characters in the anime and the manga. Although, art-wise, he looks a bit too round-faced here.

I made this as a present for my grandmother's birthday. ;)

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Art: McGonagall (Harry Potter)

It's been mentioned that she looks awfully young in this picture compared to how we usually see her, and that's because I drew her in the MWPP era. :D I figured that Moony, Padfoot Prongs and Wormtail must've been quite a handful to deal with. Thus: a drink.

Done in opencanvas.

McGonagall is owned by J.K. Rowling.

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Art: Fortuneteller

A character I'm planning on incorporating into a graphic novel. Am working on it, in fact. He's far from a good guy, which makes him interesting to write.

Ink on paper!

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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Art: Chess Players (Good Omens)

What can I say? I love these two characters. An angel and a demon becoming friends over the centuries stationed on earth is positively endearing.

Good Omens is owned by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman.

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Art: Tsuzuki and Hisoka (Yami no Matsuei)

This is slightly different from my usual style, but I am currently so taken with these two. Even though the manga and anime has their weak spots. These two are guardiands of death, and have issues enough to crowd a small country. I've wanted them to find a way to heal for ages now! In the meantime, I'm fascinated by them beyond belief.

Done entirely in opencanvas.

Owned by Yoko Matsushita!

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Art post: (fanart) Adam's world from Good Omens

The antichrist from one of the funniest books in existence. Go read it now! He's usually not quite this dark a character (One of the best puns in the book is that he's terribly normal... I won't spoil you more. Beautiful characterization, and a very funny read.)

Done entirely on computer. (Photobucket and Opencanvas)

Good Omens is owned by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman.

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Art post: Commission for Mary Jo

I love drawing these kinds of things, so I was thrilled when MJ let me try this out.

Done in ink and water-colored pencils, slightly ehanced in photoshop. Please do not use without her permission!
